目前分類:登山.露營.騎車.旅遊 (22)

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親愛的, 這是重返德國的第一個周末假日. 由於我下周得到一個面試機會, 需要自己開車參加, 於是我們周來就先來開車探探路.


有考照的壓力後, 這趟回德國便開始練習開車, 幸好你的車有手自排切換, 讓我能繼續用自排闖天下, 可是它的自排加起速來總有點卡卡的fu.

自己開之後對速限終於有點認識, 住宅區的速限是30, 城市內主要幹道是50, 出去之後一般有標的話是70, 沒標的話甚至可以到90, 100. 有速限的高速公路基本都是120, 沒速限的話建議是開到130左右要不然龜速也是會導致別人想使盡超你車帶來危險. 目前為止我還沒上過沒速限的公路.

我說鄉間的路都是70~100, 根本就是設計給人賽車用的嘛, 雙向都一線道又沒柵欄, 有時還帶轉彎, 讓我總覺得在德國開車隨時都要全神貫注好緊張. 你還得意地回說, 就是設計給賽車手的阿, 要不然我們哪來這麼發達的汽車業和厲害的跑車.


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親愛的, 今天是我回台前最後一天了, 和Maze他們一道到90多歲的姨婆, 這是你小時候常來到訪的奶奶家!


我們先到附近小踏青! 一開始天氣並不好, 天陰陰冷冷還飄著點小雨. 

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路上經過了農舍, 還有打獵用的小守望台!

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12/27 hohenzollern


這天天氣超好, 於是我們臨時決議跑到距離一小時車程的城堡 Hohenzollern. 這個在外國人來說名氣沒那麼大, 規模卻不輸給新天鵝堡的地方!



霍亨索倫城堡(Burg Hohenzollern) 德國南部最著名的兩大城堡之一,與巴伐利亞州新天鵝堡齊名於世。在德國之外,霍亨索倫城堡也位居歐洲五大和世界十大城堡之列。

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德文課放假了! 你也開始放假了! 這是我們聖誕連假開始幾天, 來到離我們很近的那個城堡Teck走走, 據說騎腳踏車就可以到了!


12/23 Teck城堡

這一代的地形總是有山頭拔地而起, 俯視四方平原, 小走幾步就是很美的風景畫! 據說這些山頭都是火山形成的, 難怪這一代很多溫泉阿, 也難怪城堡都要蓋在這一代, 視野多好, 易守難攻鎮守一方!

12/23 Teck城堡 12/23 Teck城堡 12/23 Teck城堡 12/23 Teck城堡 


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常是你油門一踩就帶我到不同的地方去, 我只負責拍照吃吃喝喝, 卻常到事後都搞不太清楚這是地圖哪裡.

今天剛好我課程休假一天, 你也特別請一天假陪我. 我們早上到森林去踏雪尋梅, 下午到outlet shopping, 晚上再到附近去泡溫泉, 整個是完美的人生啊!


在路上, 看見遠處山頂上是離我們最近的城堡Teck, 咱們合照一下!

[11/27] 下雪囉, 遠處山頂上有城堡 [11/27] [11/27]來到另一個鎮, 看上去是另一座城堡 [11/27] 某小鎮  

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這是我在德國的第一個周末. 週六的中午是與你爸媽用餐的時光, 一進門他們給我熱情的擁抱, 語言不通卻能感覺到他們兩老的熱情, 媽媽做的菜鴨肉超級超級好吃的, 還有外帶拿手的烤蛋糕.

11/9 Lunch with family 11/9 德國媽媽的好味道 DSC03852.JPG   


下午你帶我到Esslingen參觀山坡上的葡萄園. 這裡離Wernau才五站車的距離, 是後來每天到Stuttgart上德文都會經過的地方.

我們停好車, 沿著山坡先經過了個小教堂. 

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Today we came to the old golden mine mountain city 九份。this city has changed and there are so much Chinese and Japanese tourist now. I like when we walked in the quite street, enjoy and super beautiful sea view.

In evening, we ate in 基隆廟口 night market.

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After a night of rest and sweat, you seems much better today.

We had a small walk in 清境,had 甕缸雞 for lunch.

I love mountain, love it in the early quite morning, when it's getting cloud, and when it's fully foggy, very romantic.


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9/27 親手窯、埔里


Today we left sun moon lake, you make pottery the first time. Then we visit pater dome (紙教堂)、wine factory 酒場
By the afternoon, we drove all the way up to 清境,it's all foggy and we can't see anything. But the hotel is nice with a super view for sun rise. 



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9/25 Sun moon lake


Like all the tourist, we must visit Sun moon lake. After a pretty long driving on mountain roads, we finally arrived. We took cruise to visit a temple. A very tourist place, so many cruise on the lake all the time, so many new hotels are built.

We live in a lake-view room, the lake is more beautiful in early morning. Silent, peaceful, mysterious beauty.

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Today we said goodbye to my parents and continue our trip in mountain area.



Bamboo in your imagination is the symbol of Chinese, therefore we must come to vist bamboo forest. It started to rain heavily and we walked through the bamboo forest. We were totally wet afterwords.

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I was afraid it will start raining today, but we were so lucky again. Blue ocean, white sand, we play in the water, lay down on the beach.

Watch sunset in 關山, was quite a lot of tourist there.

Tomorrow you will visit my family, and the first time show you to my patents. You are practicing Chinese word “好"、"不知道", soooooo cute. 

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Today was a long driving day, we pass by 太麻里金針山, really beautiful. we saw 鵝鑾鼻、墾丁大街、出火。From radio they said there will be a typhoon landing the day after tomorrow. tomorrow will be rainy but hopefully not too much, so we can enjoy the beach a little bit.

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早上體驗了拼板舟,單薄的船在海上的大浪拍打下覺得好像隨時要翻船好恐怖。船夫好像很喜歡聽到大家害怕的尖叫聲, 總說昨天誰誰叫的有多慘. 在內海滑行還可以, 出海發像要乘風破浪真的很難前進, 我們的船一下子就被推成與浪平行, 無法再前進! 想像蘭嶼人要靠著這小船出海捕飛魚真的力氣很大喔!

珊瑚礁早成的岸邊有許多奇石, 我們跑到一線天和情人洞去爬石頭、看海浪,情人洞的深藍海水真的很美。遠方還有一個名為軍艦岩的石頭據說當年二次大戰美軍空襲還誤以為那是一艘軍艦加以轟炸!

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Today is the highlight in our tour trip, go diving. At first I was very nervous, because the ears start to hurt a little when we go deeper. Finally it was fine and we dive to 20 m deep, the 小丑魚 swimming between coral is soooooo cute, just like video. This was a cool and wonderful experience, but I don't feel like to do it in a while.

In the afternoon, we walk up to hill for weather observation, from there we oversaw the island, look at the rain from distance like a water full over the sea, and cloud become red for the sunset. I like it a lot to sit in the 發呆亭, look at this beautiful island.

We start to discuss about how many kids we shall have. I feel so comfortable and happy to stay and chat with you. It's hard to imagine that we had just met each other for a week now. I felt that we have been so close.

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